Photo 0035

# 0035
A French photo booth with a 'photographies' sign. A woman with a hat stands in front of it. Her face is reflected in a mirror attached to the photo booth.
Paris, France
Date (taken):
September 2022
Camera model:
Canon EOS M50
Lens model:
Canon EF-M 18-150mm ƒ/3.5-6.3 IS STM
Exposure settings:
21mm (34mm) ⸱ ƒ/6.3 ⸱ 1/250s ⸱ ISO 100

My wife and I observed a scene straight out of Amélie: two maintenance workers servicing a photo booth in Paris. What are the odds? After they were done, we took some photographies outside, before throwing a few coins into the machine and getting a memorable souvenir.